Two teams of the BEAD Lab presented posters at the Spring 2022 UMD Psychology Research Day and Undergraduate Research Day.
One poster (Lane Williamson, Rachel Grossman, Grace Messina) entitled "Early Romantic Experience and Psychosocial Functioning in Sexual Minority Youth" investigated how romantic experience may be a risk factor for later poor psychosocial outcomes in sexual minority youths compared to heterosexual youths.
Another poster (Mina Hughes, Mackenzie Robeson, Grace Messina, Arthi Ramkumar, Tiffany Lee, Dori Krasner, Mallory Edwards, Rebecca Ashkenazy, Kelly Ingram, Lindsay Brandwein) entitled "Parent versus Youth Report of Youth Suicidal Behavior in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study." This poster investigated agreement between parent and youth reports of suicidal ideation, suicidal attempt, and non-suicidal self-injury and examined whether this agreement predicted psychiatric disorders.